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The Pandemic's Influence on Our Daily Routines

Writer's picture: New Face MagazineNew Face Magazine

By Karina Wensjoe

During these bitter times of distance and isolation, the pandemic’s effect has created an entirely

new way of living. American society is accustomed to a different climate and it is damaging

businesses, schools, and mental health. Daily routines have become sluggish. They cease to exist

now. Society has adapted to staying indoors and forgetting about adventuring in the great wide

somewhere. More now than ever, people are struggling with new adjustments regarding

quarantine and social-distancing mandates.

College students have transitioned from in-person classrooms to online Zoom sessions. The

concept of becoming a hermit in your dorm room, house, or apartment behind a screen all day,

with little to no human contact, is not ideal. On top of that, students have assignments

consistently, which creates more alone screen time. Being a college student myself has increased

fatigue, stress, and anxiety. My productivity has weakened and I no longer have the stamina I

used to from being more active before the pandemic. According to the University of Michigan

Psychiatry Department, college students are especially prone to feelings of loneliness, and they

experience higher rates of anxiety and depression compared to the general population. Removal

from school activities, friends, and hobbies has created a disconnection among peers. Students

have become fearful of job applications and the health of their family and friends, all making

college kids more vulnerable to the situation mentally and physically.

Parents on the other hand are struggling with the issues weighing on their kids plus their own

social and economic concerns. Families are stuck together in their homes 24/7 dealing with

online school, remote working, cooking, cleaning, the list goes on and on. Practicing self-care for

parent’s pre-pandemic was hard enough. Now, routines are scattered and the patience parents

once had is dwindling. Also, many small businesses have reluctantly closed amidst the

quarantine phase and even harsher restrictions currently being put into place. Imagining what

those families are experiencing at the moment is unfathomable.

Anyone between 24 to 28, have had their fair share of the pandemic’s modus operandi. Even the

millennials, the singles with no kids, have faced unemployment issues beginning in the spring.

According to Pew Research Center, 35% of Americans between ages 18 and 29, and 30% of

those between ages 30 and 49 say they, or someone in their household, has lost their job. This

goes hand in hand with parents and millennials suffering the most when it comes to

unemployment. Millennials have either been furloughed or completely let go because businesses

could no longer afford to sustain employees. As a result, millenials have filed for unemployment

checks, living out in their apartments or moving back in with their parents. The situation is not

immensely appealing to the typical millennial routine.

The repercussions of the pandemic are grave. Bouncing back from the virus’s effects will be

difficult. Dismantling the pressure post-COVID-19 will be frustrating. Now more than ever do

communities need to come together, be compassionate, understanding, and patient. Adapting to

new routines is difficult but we’re not alone. Everyone is dealing with this right now. And things

could be worse. History has a way of humbling us during times of crisis when the past has been

more turbulent. Nevertheless, the importance of acknowledging the issues occurring in our world

right now is an important step to correcting them.

Karina Wensjoe is an editorial intern who is knowledgeable in all things travel, beauty, and sustainability.



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