Today is International Women's Day, a day set aside to honor women's outstanding accomplishments throughout history and to promote gender equality. I want to use this chance as a soft feminist writer to write you all a love letter, encouraging and empowering you in the face of the obstacles and problems that women still experience today.
I want to start by praising each and every one of you for your courage and tenacity. Even though you had to overcome adversity, inequity, and discrimination, you persisted and succeeded anyway. Every day I am inspired by your courage and tenacity, and I am in awe of all that you have accomplished.
It is critical to keep in mind that, despite our progress toward gender equality, more needs to be done. In the job, in the classroom, and in many other facets of life, prejudice against women still exists. We must keep up the struggle for our rights and insist on being heard.
It's crucial to maintain optimism, though. We have come a long way in the last few decades, and we should be proud of what we have accomplished. Breaking down walls and shattered glass ceilings are only a few of the things we have accomplished. Our determination and tenacity have built a better world for the women who will come after us.
Let's keep fighting for one another, encouraging one another, and supporting one another as we move forward. Let's embrace our individuality and uniqueness in order to create a better world for all women. Keep in mind that we are all on the same team and that everything is possible if we work together.
I want to say something to all the amazing women in the world: you are loved, you are strong, and you are capable. Your efforts are priceless, and you are changing the world. Continue to struggle, to strive, and to have faith in yourself. You are needed by the globe, and it is an honor for me to travel with you.
Happy International Women's Day! We stand together in love.
Quiana Goodwyn
Soft-feminist Writer